Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Math's Master Indiegogo Campaign

I have just established a campaign at Indiegogo to fund a program called Math's Master. This is planned to be an updated and expanded version of the classic educational software Multiplication Master. The funding goal is $1500 and the campaign runs until 4/1/2013.

Math's Master will feature not just multiplication, but addition and subtraction as well. This new version will have a range of new features designed to ensure that children will want to keep playing and learning for as long as possible. These new features will include:

*Unlockable achievements.
*Fun animations to immediately reward correct answers.
*A range of new entertaining and kid friendly videos to reward answering 20 questions correctly.
*Math's Master will also feature the same general game mechanics as Multiplication Master but it will have a redesigned interface.

If you would like to see Math's Master made then you should check out the campaign at:


Every pledge will bring us closer to the funding goal and help ensure this fantastic piece of educational software gets produced.